How to secure an international retirement? – Free pension calculator.

Do you know how much money you need for the future? Use our calculator to determine how much capital you need for your pension or international retirement.

Let’s face it, the current pension system as our parents know it has become too expensive and already is unsustainable. This means you need to make your own arrangements today more than ever before. These arrangements preferably need to be international and portable. This way they are beyond the immediate control of national governments and you keep your options open.

Practice shows that you have until 55 to make sure your retirement is taken care of. Any extra years you can work should be considered a bonus. Make arrangements now to save up money for your retirement when you need it most. But, there is another important element you should not underestimate. Children education fees…

Don’t let your children ruin your pension!

Demographics show that most children finish their university education when their parents are well into their fifties and within sight of the next stop on their financial planning route – retirement. The funds needed to receive a decent income in retirement are equivalent to putting several children through university. It is common to see people set aside all their spare cash and savings for the education of their children. As a result, they set aside no money for their pension and are running out of time.

For those who ignore the above advice you will become dependent on your employer and the government. You will depend on your employer because you need to work all the way up to the official pension age to save enough money for your retirement. You will depend on the government because they continuously increase the eligible pension age. Unfortunately you are no longer independent. Look around you at work. How many 60+ year olds do you see at work?


So, what can you do today towards a solution? It’s easier than you think as Shoreline has developed a dedicated retirement calculator. We offer three methods of calculation to show the level of savings you need in order to hit your desired retirement income level. Furthermore we go more in-depth on the cause of the current crises and explain the ‘double-trouble’ situation that we all will face once we hit 55+. If you want to discuss a personal international pension plan for your retirement after using the calculator please reach out to one of our specialists.