Everybody wants to have more money in the future than they have right now. You can try to save up money by yourself, but most likely you will be more successful if you enjoy the support from a dedicated partner such as Shoreline. We advise and help you to identify your financial planning needs, make sure that the recommended solution is right for you and help you start your plan effectively.
All plans we work with are long-term plans and it is during the life of the plan that Shoreline's real added value will become apparent. With our regular service updates and support you can be assured that there is always somebody there to help you with your plan when you need it.
Whether you move around the world from project to project or simply want your finances to be managed from a secure and stable location Shoreline offers a straightforward solution every time. We have clients on four continents and take full advantage of the internet and modern communication methods. Working face to face is not always practical or straightforward, but we always give practical and straightforward advice and service.
Shoreline offers a wide spectrum of services ranging from an offshore bank account, expat medical insurance, international life insurance, regular saving plans, lump-sum investments and asset management. All solutions are designed to be flexible and portable so that they can adapt to your circumstances as and when they change.
If you have a policy that you took out a while ago and lost contact with your adviser we would be delighted to hear from you.
with our founders

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